I was just sent a link to an article about Virgin Australia’s new iPhone plans. To quote:
“What we hear from our customers is that they really want the iPhone not just because it’s a cool device but they want to do stuff with it, and I don’t think that’s been catered for in the market so far,” said Virgin Mobile Australia chief executive Peter Bithos.
__Their top end plan is $100/month for a 16Gb iPhone, 5GB of traffic, the phone for free and a 24 month minimum sign up period.
That’s still $2400 over two years but if you use the Sydney Morning Herald’s price comparator the next closest pricing plan that offers the same features is from Vodafone at $12150 !
Apparently Telstra (which has had the worst plans to date in Australia) are changing their plans to be more competitive.
If only we had some competition in NZ !